At 10:19am, I received a call from World Vision acknowledging that they got my letter of intent to sponsor 1 kid to school. At last, my first ever plan will be achieved within this week. I will be given a credit card confirmation letter that I have to sign so that they can charge P600.00 monthly. I am so happy that this is happening. I'm very excited to know who am I going to sponsor. She told me that I will be getting a picture of a kid. As soon as I get his/her picture, I promise to post it here. Peace out!!!
Good job! If it's your way of spreading the love and good deeds then just keep going friend you are on the right track! There is no reason to live this life with some negative mojos. All good things should be shared. Just don't expect of anything back to you instead wish that those you have helped will do the same to others, that way, what you have shared can reach far beyond your armslength.Let the effect be like the dominos. Hope more and more people get inspired by this.
Yes Dan, I did this blog not to getting something out of it. It is pure sharing of what I have. I want to inspire people to do the same thing. It's pay back time. I received a lot of blessings and I think God wants me to share it with others too.
Viva Christopher!
it's a wake up call to know your purpose as a Christian and role as a blessed Giver.
be a good Samaritan in our generation.
"Bible says GOD loves a cheerful giver"
Yes, it has been a long time since I'm struggling to know what really is my calling. Finally, God tells me what to do.
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